Bluewater Consulting values individuals who seek to better themselves
through educational pursuits. Bluewater Consulting believes that strong
partnerships with great institutions are essential to building
tomorrow’s workforce, expanding our nation’s economy, making new
discoveries, and addressing the future’s unexpected challenges.
- The University
of Tennessee
Bluewater Consulting cherishes
professional and executive development. The pursuit of excellence
through industry professional associations and networking with
colleagues are critical in personal and organizational development.
Bluewater Consulting’s leaders have memberships and relationships with
premier professional associations.
- Society for
Manufacturing Engineers
- Council of Logistics
- American Society of
Public Administration
- American Marketing
- National Defense
Industry Association
- Public Relations
Society of America
Bluewater Consulting believes in taking a
leading role in its community’s development and direction. By providing
exceptional solutions to communities and taking the initiative to be
involved in the local community, Bluewater Consulting is a strategic
partner to its neighbors.
